10 plantas endemicas de canarias

Canary Islands Flora: 10 Endemic Species

Get to know our 10 favorite endemic plants of the Canary Islands! The Canary Islands flora is rich and varied, as you would expect from a natural paradise located in the Atlantic Ocean, and one of the places with the greatest biodiversity in Europe.

Among its natural wealth, there are numerous endemic plants that are not found anywhere else in the world . These unique species are not only of great importance for the conservation of the Canarian flora, but also have significant botanical and scientific value.

Canary Islands flora

10 endemic plants – Canary Islands Flora

These are the 10 endemic plants of the Canary Islands Flora:

1. Dragon tree (Dracaena draco)

The dragon tree is one of the symbols of the Canary Islands. This majestic plant is part of the Canarian landscape with its thick and branched trunk, and it is believed that some of the oldest dragon trees are centuries old.

dragon tree plant of the Canary Islands Flora

2. Cardón (Euphorbia canariensis)

The Canary cardón is an arboreal cactus found mainly in Tenerife and La Gomera. Their thorny stems and ability to store water are surprising adaptations to the dry conditions of the islands.

cardon endemic plant of the Canary Islands

3. Red Tajinaste (Echium wildpretii)

The Tajinaste Rojo is an iconic species of the Canary Islands . Its majestic scarlet inflorescences make it a natural spectacle during spring. This endemic plant is commonly associated with the Teide National Park , in Tenerife , where it forms a stunning tapestry of color during its flowering. Its beauty and uniqueness make Tajinaste Rojo one of the botanical jewels of the Canary Islands.

red tajinaste: endemic plant of the Canary Islands

4. Canary bluebells (Canarina canariensis)

This beautiful climbing plant is characterized by its bell-shaped flowers and lobed leaves. It is a protected species due to its beauty and vulnerability.

5. Canary foxglove (Digitalis canariensis)

This plant has an intense yellow and red color and is widespread throughout Gran Canaria, La Palma and Tenerife.

6. Tabaibas (Aeonium spp.)

This genus of plants is very common in the Canary Islands and is known for its variability in terms of shape and vivid color of leaves.


7. Gamona (Semele androgyna)

Gamona is a succulent plant found in rocky and volcanic areas. Its leaves are fleshy and lanceolate, and its flowers are a striking red color.


8. Canary Island Pine ( Pinus canariensis )

This plant is endemic to the islands and is characterized by growing in high mountain areas.

canary pine

9. Canary strawberry tree (Arbutus canariensis)

The fruits of the Canary Strawberry Tree are edible and are used in the production of local liqueurs and jams.

10. Hierba Pajonera (Descurainia bourgaeana)

This climbing plant is found in the highest areas of the islands and is characterized by its beautiful white flowers with a touch of violet in the center.

10 endemic plants of the Canary Islands: pajonera grass

These are just some of the many endemic plants that the Canary Islands have to offer. The unique biodiversity of the islands has led to the creation of national parks and nature reserves to protect these species, which are botanical treasures and a testament to the natural wealth of the Canary Islands.

Bonus: another 10 endemic plants from the Canary Islands

If you feel like continuing exploring, you can take a look at this list with 10 other endemic plants from the Canary Islands‘ flora:

  1. Canary sage (Salvia canariensis)
  2. Bejeque (Aeonium arboreum)
  3. Virgin’s Necklace (Ceropegia dichotoma)
  4. Bush tea (Sideritis dasygnaphala)
  5. Canarina ( Isoplexis canariensis )
  6. Iguana weed (Kleinia neriifolia)
  7. Pitranco (Pterocephalus dumetorum)
  8. Blue tajinaste (Echium decaisnei)
  9. Canary rue (Ruta pinnata)
  10. Teide retama (Spartocytisus supranubius)